[Tue Jan 15 18:57:55 2008] : Font is now Arial point size 10
[Tue Jan 15 18:57:55 2008] : Welcome to OpenRPG version 1.7.6...
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:05 2008] : Locating server at
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:05 2008] : Game connected!
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:05 2008] : DM (enter): 19:01
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:05 2008] : Server Administrator-> You have connected to an OpenRPG server, version '1.7.6'.
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:40 2008] : Moving to room 'Exploring'..
[Tue Jan 15 19:01:40 2008] : DM (enter): 19:01
[Tue Jan 15 19:29:42 2008] : Adrin (enter): 19:29
[Tue Jan 15 19:31:10 2008] : Aliatra (enter): 19:31
[Tue Jan 15 19:31:12 2008] : Aliatra (exit): 19:31
[Tue Jan 15 19:31:12 2008] : Aliatra (enter): 19:31
[Tue Jan 15 19:31:13 2008] : Dan (enter): 19:31
[Tue Jan 15 19:32:32 2008] : Aliatra: Hmm, stil no Delphine
[Tue Jan 15 19:32:43 2008] : Adrin: David, i've been thinking about my 1500gp item...
[Tue Jan 15 19:32:54 2008] : DM: Yes?
[Tue Jan 15 19:33:17 2008] : Adrin: You know the way I've got that +2 will save amulet. How much would you say thats worth?
[Tue Jan 15 19:33:49 2008] : Oona (enter): 19:33
[Tue Jan 15 19:34:15 2008] : Adrin: Anything I see with a save bonus seems to be for all saves
[Tue Jan 15 19:35:09 2008] : Aliatra: When in doubt, ask Barnaby
[Tue Jan 15 19:35:22 2008] : Dan: Divide all/3
[Tue Jan 15 19:35:42 2008] : DM: 670
[Tue Jan 15 19:37:24 2008] : DM: Ready?
[Tue Jan 15 19:37:36 2008] : Aliatra: Yep
[Tue Jan 15 19:37:53 2008] : Dan: ooc all +2 = 4000, so 1333
[Tue Jan 15 19:37:59 2008] : Dan: yep
[Tue Jan 15 19:38:08 2008] : Adrin: ready
[Tue Jan 15 19:38:39 2008] : Oona: yep
[Tue Jan 15 19:38:43 2008] : Adrin: ooc ok, How about Bracers to raise my Reflex by 2?
[Tue Jan 15 19:39:17 2008] : DM: yes
[Tue Jan 15 19:39:22 2008] : Adrin: ooc ty
[Tue Jan 15 19:40:38 2008] : DM: GAME START
[Tue Jan 15 19:41:16 2008] : Adrin: "So, into the tunnels then?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:41:38 2008] : Oona: "I guess that's the idea"
[Tue Jan 15 19:42:18 2008] : Aliatra: "I hate undead!"
[Tue Jan 15 19:42:20 2008] : Dan: "I will need to cast some spells beforehand"
[Tue Jan 15 19:42:29 2008] : Adrin: "Not sure I can get excited about killing stuff thats already dead"
[Tue Jan 15 19:42:42 2008] : Dan: "Can I have 15 minutes?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:43:54 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Isn't this still the night before?
[Tue Jan 15 19:44:03 2008] : Aliatra: "Take as long as you need"
[Tue Jan 15 19:44:03 2008] : Dan: ooc it is??
[Tue Jan 15 19:44:24 2008] : Dan: "Ah, we aren't going in yet then?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:44:24 2008] : DM: ooc aren't you waiting for the next morning before starting?
[Tue Jan 15 19:45:09 2008] : Dan: "OK, ignore me. Mind is miles away. Can't believe that I missed that Yrthak because I was information gathering with the wizards!"
[Tue Jan 15 19:45:58 2008] : Adrin: ooc sorry, I thought we were going straight in
[Tue Jan 15 19:46:01 2008] : Oona: "ooc ok for next morning
[Tue Jan 15 19:46:04 2008] : Aliatra: "No problem, Dan. Did you learn anything?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:46:07 2008] : Oona: ooc barbarian!
[Tue Jan 15 19:46:12 2008] : Dan: Dan settles down and decides what spells he needs
[Tue Jan 15 19:46:29 2008] : Dan: ooc I'm done, just wanted to get Dan ready if we were off right away
[Tue Jan 15 19:47:14 2008] : DM: ooc the next morning...
[Tue Jan 15 19:48:12 2008] : DM: Faustina's party is up at first light preparing their equipment and supplies before venturing into the left hand tunnel.
[Tue Jan 15 19:49:45 2008] : Adrin: "Oh look at them, all efficient and boring"
[Tue Jan 15 19:50:03 2008] : Dan: Aryadan Casts: Mage Armour (level 1): Gives subject +4 armor bonus for 1 hour/level
[Tue Jan 15 19:50:48 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra prays to Pelor before getting her weapons ready
[Tue Jan 15 19:50:52 2008] : DM: They've got rope, lanterns, pints of oil, rations, water bottles, weapons and a 10 ft pole.
[Tue Jan 15 19:51:15 2008] : Aliatra: ooc The 10 ft pole: never leave home without it ;-)
[Tue Jan 15 19:51:35 2008] : Oona: ooc lol
[Tue Jan 15 19:51:43 2008] : Adrin: "where did they get that pole?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:52:02 2008] : Aliatra: "Does everybody have food, water, rope and weapons?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:52:16 2008] : Aliatra: "Perhaps they cut down a tree or something"
[Tue Jan 15 19:52:48 2008] : Adrin: Adrin has a quick check "Ready"
[Tue Jan 15 19:52:59 2008] : Oona: "I don't have many rations, but I do have all the rest"
[Tue Jan 15 19:53:10 2008] : Dan: "I have rations and water but no rope"
[Tue Jan 15 19:53:31 2008] : Dan: ooc thought that I had some knotted silk stuff but it's not on my character sheet
[Tue Jan 15 19:53:41 2008] : Adrin: "Here, you can have one of mine"
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:03 2008] : Dan: "What about light? We have your ring Ali, and I can cast a Light spell if necessary"
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:25 2008] : Dan: Dan takes the rope
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:30 2008] : Dan: "Thanks Adrin"
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:43 2008] : DM: The entrance to the tunnel is partially collapsed, stone blocks have falling from the ceiling in places and lie on the smooth and level floor in untidy heaps.
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:52 2008] : Dan: "Oona, I have rations for 20 days"
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:55 2008] : DM: It slopes downwards slightly.
[Tue Jan 15 19:54:59 2008] : Dan: "You can have 5"
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:09 2008] : Adrin: "How long are you expecting to be down here?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:11 2008] : DM: ooc brb
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:32 2008] : Aliatra: "My ring will do me fine, more practical than a lantern"
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:35 2008] : Oona: "Well, actually..."
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:44 2008] : Dan: "I have no idea"
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:48 2008] : Oona: Oona remakes her backpak
[Tue Jan 15 19:55:50 2008] : Oona: I do have four
[Tue Jan 15 19:56:03 2008] : Oona: "I don't hink we need to be longer than a day down there, do we?"
[Tue Jan 15 19:56:20 2008] : Adrin: "I was hoping to be back here for night"
[Tue Jan 15 19:56:56 2008] : Dan: "They're just in my handy haversack is all. If anyone needs any, then I have plenty"
[Tue Jan 15 19:57:05 2008] : Adrin: "Well, the sooner we start, the sooner we get back"
[Tue Jan 15 19:57:23 2008] : DM: The tunnel is approximately 10 ft square
[Tue Jan 15 19:57:35 2008] : Aliatra: "I do have a lantern as well, if and when we need it. I hope we'll not be more than 2 days before resurfacing"
[Tue Jan 15 19:58:01 2008] : Aliatra: "Let's make sure we don't get behind"
[Tue Jan 15 19:59:12 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra follows the other party
[Tue Jan 15 19:59:12 2008] : Dan: "Let's go then."
[Tue Jan 15 20:00:13 2008] : DM: Faustina frowns at you. "Find your own tunnel."
[Tue Jan 15 20:00:17 2008] : Adrin: "Are we taking the same tunnel as them?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:00:45 2008] : Aliatra: "I guess not"
[Tue Jan 15 20:00:58 2008] : Oona: "Find your own tunnel. This is hilarious"
[Tue Jan 15 20:00:59 2008] : Dan: "We were asked to take the other tunnel to them"
[Tue Jan 15 20:01:06 2008] : Aliatra: "Are you sure you want to divide forces, Faustina?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:01:19 2008] : DM: "Yes. Now beat it."
[Tue Jan 15 20:01:52 2008] : Aliatra: "Whatever you say, madam"
[Tue Jan 15 20:02:12 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra bows at Faustina and steps back
[Tue Jan 15 20:02:35 2008] : Dan: Dan looks down his nose at her
[Tue Jan 15 20:03:10 2008] : Dan: "Give them a sword and they think they're a noble"
[Tue Jan 15 20:03:32 2008] : DM: The other party heads down their tunnel, Lucrezia lighting the way with her glowing staff.
[Tue Jan 15 20:04:12 2008] : DM: (those with spellcraft can tell she's just cast light on her staff)
[Tue Jan 15 20:04:33 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra heads for the tunnel closest to theirs, as she enters she activates her ring of light
[Tue Jan 15 20:04:44 2008] : Dan: "Hah. We elves can handle a sword. Staffs are for skillless human wizards"
[Tue Jan 15 20:05:00 2008] : Dan: ooc staves?
[Tue Jan 15 20:05:45 2008] : Adrin: ooc Is a stave not more like a quaterstaff?
[Tue Jan 15 20:05:48 2008] : DM: ooc sticks
[Tue Jan 15 20:06:27 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Staves, not staffs, I think
[Tue Jan 15 20:06:31 2008] : DM: They soon turn a corner and are out of sight.
[Tue Jan 15 20:07:28 2008] : Adrin: "Well lets go find us some stuff that needs killed again"
[Tue Jan 15 20:07:47 2008] : Dan: ooc BTW I told you they were wanting to hire us for this anyway. (not that Dan has the skills to know) That damned transmuter, glad we stiffed him by burning the good stuff
[Tue Jan 15 20:08:31 2008] : Aliatra: ooc LOL
[Tue Jan 15 20:08:36 2008] : Adrin: ooc heh
[Tue Jan 15 20:09:00 2008] : Dan: "Yes, onwards"
[Tue Jan 15 20:09:24 2008] : Dan: Dan pulls out his bow and holds it in readiness
[Tue Jan 15 20:09:27 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Aliatra has already entered a tunnel
[Tue Jan 15 20:09:50 2008] : Adrin: Adrin draws his sword
[Tue Jan 15 20:10:36 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra has her sword ready as well
[Tue Jan 15 20:11:12 2008] : Oona: Oona keeps her bow ready
[Tue Jan 15 20:12:08 2008] : DM: After some 30 ft the tunnel is block by a large rusty iron gate or portcullis.
[Tue Jan 15 20:12:46 2008] : DM: Littering the tunnel floor on the other side are numerous bones, most of medium size but some from larger creatures.
[Tue Jan 15 20:12:57 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra walks up to the gate and casts the light of her ring through it
[Tue Jan 15 20:13:01 2008] : DM: There's also a doorway on the right after the gate.
[Tue Jan 15 20:13:28 2008] : DM: The dust is thick, the bones have lain undisturbed for many, many years.
[Tue Jan 15 20:14:09 2008] : Adrin: Adrin tries to open the gate
[Tue Jan 15 20:14:16 2008] : DM: It's rusted shut
[Tue Jan 15 20:14:32 2008] : Aliatra: "It doesn't look those undead came through there"
[Tue Jan 15 20:15:49 2008] : Adrin: "Maybe they squeezed through the bars."
[Tue Jan 15 20:15:50 2008] : DM: Spot checks
[Tue Jan 15 20:16:01 2008] : Aliatra: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+2] => [20,2] = (22)
[Tue Jan 15 20:16:26 2008] : Aliatra: "Without leaving any traces in that dust, Adrin?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:16:37 2008] : Adrin: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+7] => [4,7] = (11)
[Tue Jan 15 20:16:55 2008] : Dan: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[Tue Jan 15 20:17:03 2008] : Adrin: "Maybe they walked on the walls. Did you think of that?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:17:28 2008] : DM: ooc the zombies did come out of the other tunnel
[Tue Jan 15 20:17:31 2008] : Dan: "maybe they came out of the other entrance tunnel?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:18:01 2008] : Aliatra: "No, Adrin, I really didn't think of that"
[Tue Jan 15 20:18:16 2008] : Adrin: "Well then"
[Tue Jan 15 20:18:40 2008] : Adrin: "Oona, you're good with doors aren't you?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:18:49 2008] : Oona: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+11] => [6,11] = (17)
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:03 2008] : Oona: "Depends what you mean with "good with doors"
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:16 2008] : Aliatra: "I just don't think it likely, is all, as far as I know zombies just walk over the floor"
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:20 2008] : Adrin: "Well you can open them"
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:29 2008] : DM: The lock on this gate is just a mass of rust.
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:43 2008] : Oona: "I am not sure my skills will help here"
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:54 2008] : Oona: "It's age, not craftmanship, that locks this door"
[Tue Jan 15 20:19:58 2008] : Adrin: "Ah, but you dont know they CAN'T walk on walls do you?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:20:02 2008] : Oona: "Adrin, you're better off battering the thing"
[Tue Jan 15 20:20:38 2008] : DM: ooc knowledge: religion check Aliatra.
[Tue Jan 15 20:20:51 2008] : Aliatra: Knowledge: Religion Skill Check: [1d20+10] => [9,10] = (19)
[Tue Jan 15 20:20:54 2008] : DM: ooc STR check for anyone trying to bash down the door.
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:06 2008] : Dan: Knowledge: Religion Skill Check: [1d20+7] => [14,7] = (21)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:10 2008] : DM: ooc Aliatra, you know that human zombies don't walk on walls.
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:10 2008] : Aliatra: "Let me help you, Adrin"
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:16 2008] : Adrin: Adrin turns to the door and gives it a shake
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:19 2008] : Dan: ooc LOL
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:23 2008] : Adrin: Str check: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:34 2008] : Oona: Oona helps
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:36 2008] : Aliatra: "But I'm sure they *don't* walk on walls"
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:38 2008] : DM: The gate rattles and makes small cracking noises.
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:39 2008] : Dan: Dan helps with the door
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:42 2008] : Oona: Str check: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:43 2008] : Aliatra: Str check: [1d20+5] => [14,5] = (19)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:45 2008] : DM: Spot checks
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:50 2008] : Dan: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+5] => [12,5] = (17)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:50 2008] : Adrin: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+7] => [15,7] = (22)
[Tue Jan 15 20:21:52 2008] : Aliatra: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+2] => [14,2] = (16)
[Tue Jan 15 20:22:01 2008] : Oona: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+11] => [7,11] = (18)
[Tue Jan 15 20:22:31 2008] : whispering to Adrin, The noise of you rattling the gate seems to have disturbed the bones, some of them are stiring.
[Tue Jan 15 20:22:52 2008] : Adrin: "Hold on. Look at the bones"
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:23 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Why did I miss that with my previous check of 22?
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:35 2008] : DM: Some of the bones are shifting, sending up small clouds of dust
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:35 2008] : Aliatra: "What do you see?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:46 2008] : DM: ooc because it got easier.
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:49 2008] : Adrin: "I think we've woken something"
[Tue Jan 15 20:23:50 2008] : Oona: "Where?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:24:00 2008] : Oona: "Woken?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:24:06 2008] : Aliatra: "That doesn't look good"
[Tue Jan 15 20:24:07 2008] : Oona: "Ouch, I don't like that much"
[Tue Jan 15 20:24:26 2008] : Adrin: "In the dust, the bones are moving"
[Tue Jan 15 20:24:47 2008] : Dan: "Hmm, my bow is not much use against bones."
[Tue Jan 15 20:25:21 2008] : Aliatra: "How aboutg we let it come to us?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:25:26 2008] : Dan: "As much as I hate to retract my words, maybe my quarterstaff is a better option here"
[Tue Jan 15 20:25:40 2008] : Adrin: "I wonder if they can open this gate"
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:05 2008] : Aliatra: "Let's wait and see. Do you want me to hide us all from them, if they are undead?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:20 2008] : Oona: "Well they're not going to come if we hide, are they?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:24 2008] : Adrin: "How many of them are there?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:39 2008] : DM: The bones aren't moving anymore.
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:44 2008] : Dan: Dan puts his bow away and takes out his quarterstaff
[Tue Jan 15 20:27:57 2008] : Adrin: "Lets get this gate open and just fight them"
[Tue Jan 15 20:28:24 2008] : Aliatra: "Hmm, the bones stirred when we tried to open that gate"
[Tue Jan 15 20:28:58 2008] : Oona: "Well do we have another option?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:03 2008] : Adrin: Adrin gives the gate another heave
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:06 2008] : Adrin: Str check: [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:22 2008] : Dan: Dan helps again
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:25 2008] : DM: Adrin snaps one of the bars of the gate with a loud crack
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:39 2008] : Oona: "there we go"
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:52 2008] : DM: The bones shift and move about.
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:55 2008] : Dan: "Maybe there's a release mechanism?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:56 2008] : Adrin: Adrin pulls on another bar
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:58 2008] : Adrin: Str check: [1d20+4] => [5,4] = (9)
[Tue Jan 15 20:29:58 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra casts Hide from Undead: Undead can't perceive one subject/level.
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:11 2008] : Dan: "I know it's rusty, but it's worth a try"
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:27 2008] : Oona: Oona stays a bit back
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:35 2008] : Aliatra: "As soon as we attack or touch an undead they will know where we are"
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:39 2008] : DM: As Adrin continues to heave on the gate making loud noises the bones slowly form into complete skeletons.
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:44 2008] : DM: Roll initiative
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:46 2008] : Dan: Dan checks the walls and floor for anything at all unusual
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:51 2008] : Dan: Search Skill Check: [1d20+8] => [15,8] = (23)
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:53 2008] : Adrin: Adrin: Initiative: [1d20+3] => [9,3] = (12)
[Tue Jan 15 20:30:59 2008] : Dan: Initiative: [1d20+5] => [16,5] = (21)
[Tue Jan 15 20:31:07 2008] : Aliatra: (Will save DC 13 doe intelligent undead)
[Tue Jan 15 20:31:16 2008] : Aliatra: Initiative [1d20+7] => [2,7] = (9)
[Tue Jan 15 20:32:00 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra helps Dan open the gate
[Tue Jan 15 20:32:01 2008] : Aliatra: Str check: [1d20+5] => [15,5] = (20)
[Tue Jan 15 20:32:07 2008] : DM: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[Tue Jan 15 20:32:11 2008] : Oona: Initiative: [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 20:33:10 2008] : Oona: Oona notches an arrow
[Tue Jan 15 20:33:24 2008] : Dan: ooc I was doing a search, not moving the grate - I don't get +8 to strength checks ;)
[Tue Jan 15 20:33:59 2008] : Aliatra: ooc LOL
[Tue Jan 15 20:34:03 2008] : DM: The bones have formed into three recognizable skeletons, two human-like one wielding rusty curved sword and a large one with two heads and large morningstars in each skeletal hand.
[Tue Jan 15 20:34:15 2008] : DM: Dan, your go
[Tue Jan 15 20:34:40 2008] : DM: The gate is just a simple metal gate with no unusal opening mechanism that you can see.
[Tue Jan 15 20:34:59 2008] : Dan: "We're not visible to them Ali?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:35:32 2008] : Dan: Ready an action to attack if necessary
[Tue Jan 15 20:35:38 2008] : Dan: Done
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:11 2008] : Dan: ooc all of us are right near the gate except Oona who backed off
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:17 2008] : Aliatra: "Not visible, not heard, not smelled, until we do something"
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:34 2008] : Dan: "What kind of something?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:47 2008] : Aliatra: "Attack, cast spells"
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:48 2008] : DM: The skeletons look around slowly
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:52 2008] : DM: Oona?
[Tue Jan 15 20:36:54 2008] : Aliatra: "Or touch them"
[Tue Jan 15 20:37:41 2008] : Dan: "OK, so we can continue on the gate?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:37:47 2008] : Oona: Approaches the gate and tries to aimat the skeleton in front of the gate
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:16 2008] : DM: You can do that, there's enough gaps in the gate to easily shoot through
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:19 2008] : Aliatra: "We can, for now"
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:22 2008] : Oona: Shortbow, MW MC (+3) +1 + PBS (base): [1d20+13] => [5,13] = (18) ===> Damage: [1d6+6] => [3,6] = (9)
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:31 2008] : Dan: ooc why do that?
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:50 2008] : Oona: ooc why do what?
[Tue Jan 15 20:38:58 2008] : Dan: Dan turns to look at Oona in surprise
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:06 2008] : Dan: "What did you do that for?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:11 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Attack
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:31 2008] : Oona: "Because nobody answered my question when I asked whether we had another option to enter this place"
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:34 2008] : DM: Oona's arrow lodges inbetween the skeleton's ribs. It's doesn't look pleased.
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:50 2008] : DM: Adrin?
[Tue Jan 15 20:39:57 2008] : Dan: "But surely you were listening 10 seconds ago when Ali cast her spell top hide us?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:40:14 2008] : Oona: "Are we just going to stay here and wait for Faustina to tell us that she does not want us to follow her?"
[Tue Jan 15 20:40:29 2008] : Oona: "Yes, I did. You know that magic and I..."
[Tue Jan 15 20:40:56 2008] : Dan: "NO, but we were trying to open the gate so that we can attack them rather than poke at them through it!"
[Tue Jan 15 20:41:08 2008] : Aliatra: "They now know we're here. We might as well attack from this side of the gate and hope they can't get to us"
[Tue Jan 15 20:41:26 2008] : Dan: "Only one knows about us, surely"
[Tue Jan 15 20:41:33 2008] : Adrin: ooc is there enough room to swing a sword through the gate?
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:05 2008] : Aliatra: ooc I think arrows might work way better
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:06 2008] : DM: ooc you could poke it through.
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:21 2008] : Dan: ooc nope, spell ends for everyone
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:36 2008] : Adrin: Adrin shrugs and pokes his sword through at #2
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:44 2008] : Adrin: +1 Greatsword (base): [1d20+14] => [4,14] = (18) ===> Damage: [2d6+7] => [3,1,7] = (11)
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:44 2008] : Adrin: +1 Greatsword (second): [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26) ===> Damage: [2d6+7] => [3,4,7] = (14)
[Tue Jan 15 20:42:44 2008] : Adrin: Critical hit? [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24) ===> Damage: [4d6+14] => [3,4,6,5,14] = (32)
[Tue Jan 15 20:43:24 2008] : Dan: "I can't believe you did that Oona, now how do we hit them? Skeletons are resistant to your arrows for a start"
[Tue Jan 15 20:43:26 2008] : DM: The skeleton's brittle bones clatter to the floor and shatter into several pieces.
[Tue Jan 15 20:43:48 2008] : DM: Aliatra?
[Tue Jan 15 20:43:58 2008] : Aliatra: ooc I forgot about blunt weapons for skeletons
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:25 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra pokes at skeleton #2
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:32 2008] : Aliatra: Greatsword Bane undead +1 (base): [1d20+12] => [3,12] = (15) ===> Damage: [2d6+6] => [1,1,6] = (8)
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:32 2008] : DM: ooc #1
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:41 2008] : Oona: ooc do arrows actually effect undead? (/me remembers BG, and there they do)
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:48 2008] : Aliatra: ooc That's what I meant :)
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:49 2008] : DM: A few ribs are cracked.
[Tue Jan 15 20:44:51 2008] : Aliatra: Done
[Tue Jan 15 20:45:03 2008] : Dan: ooc Ali - bane vs undead!!
[Tue Jan 15 20:45:05 2008] : Adrin: ooc I'd guess DR
[Tue Jan 15 20:45:18 2008] : DM: ooc skeles have 5/bludgeoning DR
[Tue Jan 15 20:45:22 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Bane, yep
[Tue Jan 15 20:45:31 2008] : Dan: ooc so extra damage?
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:17 2008] : Adrin: ooc are Skeles scouse skeletons? :)
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:20 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Yep, I think so, I forget ;)
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:29 2008] : Dan: ooc +2d6
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:41 2008] : Dan: ooc and +2 to attack
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:48 2008] : DM: ooc +2d5+2
[Tue Jan 15 20:46:54 2008] : DM: ooc +2d6+2
[Tue Jan 15 20:47:06 2008] : DM: Aliatra shatters the 2nd human skeleton.
[Tue Jan 15 20:47:15 2008] : DM: Dan?
[Tue Jan 15 20:47:29 2008] : Aliatra: ooc That was easy (for now)
[Tue Jan 15 20:47:48 2008] : Dan: Dan points his finger at the big one in the background and mutters a spell
[Tue Jan 15 20:47:57 2008] : Dan: Araydan casts Disrupt Undead (ray, no save) - Ranged touch attack (base): [1d20+9] => [13,9] = (22) ===> Damage: [1d6+0] => [3,0] = (3)
[Tue Jan 15 20:48:16 2008] : Dan: Done
[Tue Jan 15 20:48:20 2008] : DM: ooc that had better be a cantrip
[Tue Jan 15 20:48:25 2008] : Dan: ooc it is
[Tue Jan 15 20:48:50 2008] : DM: The ettin skeleton steps forwards and swings it's morning stars at the gates
[Tue Jan 15 20:49:03 2008] : DM: [1d20+10] => [13,10] = (23), [2d6+6] => [4,4,6] = (14)
[Tue Jan 15 20:49:05 2008] : DM: [1d20+10] => [15,10] = (25), [2d6+6] => [3,6,6] = (15)
[Tue Jan 15 20:49:44 2008] : DM: The gate shatters into several pieces and the rusted bits fall to the ground or hang from the hinges.
[Tue Jan 15 20:49:47 2008] : DM: Oona?
[Tue Jan 15 20:50:35 2008] : Oona: Oona shoots again, this time aiming for the bigger one
[Tue Jan 15 20:50:36 2008] : Adrin: ooc #1 is 'dead'?
[Tue Jan 15 20:50:38 2008] : Oona: Shortbow, MW MC (+3) +1 + PBS (base): [1d20+13] => [17,13] = (30) ===> Damage: [1d6+6] => [6,6] = (12)
[Tue Jan 15 20:50:51 2008] : Oona: done.
[Tue Jan 15 20:51:07 2008] : DM: Adrin?
[Tue Jan 15 20:51:12 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Yep, both little ones are destroyed
[Tue Jan 15 20:51:45 2008] : Adrin: Adrin steps forward and attacks #3
[Tue Jan 15 20:51:49 2008] : Adrin: +1 Greatsword (base): [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15) ===> Damage: [2d6+7] => [5,6,7] = (18)
[Tue Jan 15 20:51:49 2008] : Adrin: +1 Greatsword (second): [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25) ===> Damage: [2d6+7] => [2,6,7] = (15)
[Tue Jan 15 20:52:42 2008] : DM: Bits of bones fly everywhere
[Tue Jan 15 20:52:47 2008] : DM: Ali?
[Tue Jan 15 20:53:30 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra attacks the skeleton
[Tue Jan 15 20:53:32 2008] : Aliatra: Greatsword Bane undead +1 against undead (base): [1d20+14] => [15,14] = (29) ===> Damage: [4d6+6] => [6,6,4,6,6] = (28)
[Tue Jan 15 20:53:53 2008] : Aliatra: ooc I added another attack :-)
[Tue Jan 15 20:53:57 2008] : Aliatra: Done
[Tue Jan 15 20:53:58 2008] : Adrin: ooc nice
[Tue Jan 15 20:54:01 2008] : DM: Dan?
[Tue Jan 15 20:54:14 2008] : Dan: ooc your BAB isn't greater than 5?
[Tue Jan 15 20:54:24 2008] : Dan: ooc don't you get two attacks?
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:01 2008] : Dan: Aryadan Casts: Magic Missile (level 1): 4 Missiles on one target: [4d4+4] => [3,2,3,2,4] = (14) damage
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:02 2008] : Adrin: ooc cleric levels?
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:07 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Just one attack
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:24 2008] : Aliatra: ooc And a BAB of 6
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:28 2008] : DM: The ettin's bones clatter to the groun in an untidy heap.
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:37 2008] : Dan: BAB of 6 = 2 attacks
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:43 2008] : DM: ooc a BAB of six means two attacks. +6/+1
[Tue Jan 15 20:55:49 2008] : Dan: I might save my spell for later is all
[Tue Jan 15 20:57:18 2008] : DM: Ali. make your 2nd attack then.
[Tue Jan 15 20:58:31 2008] : Aliatra: ooc I'm not sure about my BAB now: Fighter 3/ Cleric 5 means?
[Tue Jan 15 20:58:36 2008] : Aliatra: Greatsword Bane undead +1 against undead (base): [1d20+14] => [1,14] = (15) ===> Damage: [4d6+6] => [6,1,4,4,6] = (21)
[Tue Jan 15 20:58:51 2008] : Aliatra: ooc At +1?
[Tue Jan 15 20:58:57 2008] : Dan: ooc +6/+1
[Tue Jan 15 20:58:58 2008] : DM: Miss.
[Tue Jan 15 20:59:10 2008] : Dan: OK, I use my spell then
[Tue Jan 15 20:59:24 2008] : DM: 260 XP for those at level 7
[Tue Jan 15 20:59:45 2008] : DM: 200 XP for level 8ers.
[Tue Jan 15 21:00:10 2008] : Oona: "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think much. But this Faustina person has unnerved me"
[Tue Jan 15 21:01:03 2008] : Dan: "Sorry I reacted so badly. We all make mistakes in the heat of battle. I shouldn't have kept on at you"
[Tue Jan 15 21:01:10 2008] : Oona: "No problem"
[Tue Jan 15 21:01:34 2008] : Oona: "I don't like those much. " Oona points at the bones
[Tue Jan 15 21:01:44 2008] : Oona: "I hope we don't only get those"
[Tue Jan 15 21:01:56 2008] : Aliatra: "Neither do I, I detest undead"
[Tue Jan 15 21:02:56 2008] : Adrin: "Whats round here?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:03:11 2008] : Dan: "I believe there's an ice-cream shop"
[Tue Jan 15 21:03:22 2008] : Dan: Dan grins
[Tue Jan 15 21:03:25 2008] : Adrin: "Dont you get my hopes up"
[Tue Jan 15 21:03:31 2008] : Aliatra: "Ice-cream? That sounds great"
[Tue Jan 15 21:04:09 2008] : Dan: "Let's take a look"
[Tue Jan 15 21:04:24 2008] : Dan: "Oona, can you check that nothing will instantly kill us?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:04:40 2008] : Oona: "Yes, I'll do that'
[Tue Jan 15 21:04:51 2008] : Oona: Oona starts advancing cautiously
[Tue Jan 15 21:04:53 2008] : Dan: I don't want to stand on anything that's more toxic than Faustina"
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:22 2008] : Oona: "Can anyone stay right behind me with a light?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:31 2008] : Aliatra: "Is such a thing even remotely possible?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:38 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [18,13] = (31)
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:41 2008] : DM: The doorway on the right opens out into a small room, a battered wooden table stands in the centre and two skeletons in rusted armour are seated on chairs. They look like they just died where they sat. Pewter cups tarnished with age and two small heaps of copper coins are on the table.
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:48 2008] : Oona: looking for traps and things
[Tue Jan 15 21:05:49 2008] : Aliatra: "I'll join you, Oona"
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:17 2008] : Oona: ooc did anyone search the heap of bones back there?
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:18 2008] : Aliatra: "Not all skeletons here try to attack us at least"
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:20 2008] : DM: The rooms seems to be trap-less
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:35 2008] : Dan: Dan watches from the corridor
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:38 2008] : Dan: ooc brb
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:41 2008] : Oona: "That's the only way I like skeletons. Dead."
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:56 2008] : Oona: Oona looks around the room , looking for anything of interest
[Tue Jan 15 21:06:58 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [5,13] = (18)
[Tue Jan 15 21:07:03 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Nope, that heap of bones just attacked us and we destroyed them, but we leave the searching to you
[Tue Jan 15 21:07:42 2008] : DM: You'd guess this is some sort of guard room, various rusted and useless weapons hang from, or are propped against, the walls.
[Tue Jan 15 21:08:51 2008] : Oona: "Nothing of real interest here"
[Tue Jan 15 21:08:57 2008] : Oona: "Must have been some kind of watch room"
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:02 2008] : Oona: "And those are the guards
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:02 2008] : Adrin: "Nothing at all?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:08 2008] : Oona: "I wonder what made them die"
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:22 2008] : Adrin: "Lack of ice-cream?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:31 2008] : DM: ooc did you search the skeletons?
[Tue Jan 15 21:09:33 2008] : Dan: "Hah"
[Tue Jan 15 21:10:35 2008] : Oona: Oona approaches the skeletons and reluctanty starts searching their bodies
[Tue Jan 15 21:10:39 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [6,13] = (19)
[Tue Jan 15 21:10:50 2008] : Oona: ooc taking 20 actually.
[Tue Jan 15 21:12:25 2008] : DM: As Oona touches the skeleton the skull topples of and cracks open on the ground, the body slumps sideways causing the fragile chair to give way and collapse. The table follows and within moments the whole lot is a pile of dust and fragments.
[Tue Jan 15 21:12:43 2008] : Oona: "Oh great"
[Tue Jan 15 21:12:51 2008] : Oona: Oona coughs
[Tue Jan 15 21:13:08 2008] : Adrin: "Nice. Anything left in the dust?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:13:10 2008] : Aliatra: "*cough cough* What was that?
[Tue Jan 15 21:14:06 2008] : Oona: "Not sure"
[Tue Jan 15 21:14:15 2008] : DM: There's something shiny in the piles of dust
[Tue Jan 15 21:16:33 2008] : Aliatra: "Are you done here?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:16:40 2008] : Oona: Oona takes the shiny thing and shows it to the others
[Tue Jan 15 21:17:03 2008] : DM: It's a couple of gold coins.
[Tue Jan 15 21:17:14 2008] : Oona: "Gold"
[Tue Jan 15 21:17:29 2008] : Dan: "Is there a mint mark on it?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:17:44 2008] : Dan: "Or a head?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:17:52 2008] : DM: They're both the same. One size shows the head of a horned beast the other a geometric pattern.
[Tue Jan 15 21:18:00 2008] : Dan: "Might tell us something about the age of the place"
[Tue Jan 15 21:18:07 2008] : Dan: Knowledge: History Skill Check: [1d20+9] => [5,9] = (14)
[Tue Jan 15 21:18:50 2008] : Dan: "Or maybe not, seems a little too obscure for me"
[Tue Jan 15 21:18:52 2008] : DM: They're not a design from the last 100 or so years.
[Tue Jan 15 21:19:12 2008] : Oona: OOna looks at them carefully
[Tue Jan 15 21:19:16 2008] : Oona: Knowledge: History Skill Check: Untrained
[Tue Jan 15 21:19:21 2008] : Oona: ooc or local?
[Tue Jan 15 21:19:23 2008] : Oona: Knowledge: Local Skill Check: [1d20+4] => [16,4] = (20)
[Tue Jan 15 21:19:26 2008] : Oona: Appraise Skill Check: [1d20+6] => [11,6] = (17)
[Tue Jan 15 21:20:18 2008] : DM: Their age suggests that they're worth more than their gold value. Perhaps as much as 10 gp each -- to the right buyer.
[Tue Jan 15 21:20:43 2008] : Oona: "I'm not sure about this, but I would say they're probably worth a lot"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:07 2008] : Aliatra: "Thye look like ordinary goldpieces to me"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:11 2008] : Oona: "And judging by the state of the corpses and the furtniture, we can assume this part hasn't been opened in a long time"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:13 2008] : Dan: "Well I'm 145 and they are out of my knowledge"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:18 2008] : Oona: "So they probably have historical value"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:30 2008] : Adrin: "Gold's gold to me
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:41 2008] : Dan: "But only a few of those have been outside the Aerie realm"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:48 2008] : Oona: "Shall I keep them? We can ask the other wizards about them"
[Tue Jan 15 21:21:53 2008] : Dan: "Eyrie realm"
[Tue Jan 15 21:22:07 2008] : Dan: ooc you'd think he'd know where he was from ;)
[Tue Jan 15 21:22:11 2008] : Aliatra: "Sure, you keep them safe until we know more"
[Tue Jan 15 21:22:17 2008] : Aliatra: ooc LOL
[Tue Jan 15 21:22:28 2008] : Dan: "Sure, those guys won't be asking for them back"
[Tue Jan 15 21:22:57 2008] : Adrin: "Was there anything on the guys we killed?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:23:08 2008] : DM: Just some rusty and useless weapons.
[Tue Jan 15 21:23:44 2008] : Adrin: "Well lets get moving"
[Tue Jan 15 21:23:46 2008] : Oona: "OK, let us continue?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:23:54 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [5,13] = (18)
[Tue Jan 15 21:24:03 2008] : Aliatra: "Onward and forward"
[Tue Jan 15 21:24:09 2008] : Oona: Oona avances still carefully, still looking for traps and things
[Tue Jan 15 21:25:22 2008] : DM: You continue onwards down the large passageway
[Tue Jan 15 21:26:41 2008] : DM: After about 50 ft the passageway ends in a carved archway, the carving on the top stone is worn an indistinct
[Tue Jan 15 21:26:50 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra accompanies Oona, lighting her way for her
[Tue Jan 15 21:27:01 2008] : DM: After the arch way the passageway opens out into a large open space.
[Tue Jan 15 21:27:32 2008] : Adrin: "I wonder what this place was used for"
[Tue Jan 15 21:27:35 2008] : Dan: Dan folloes with Adrin
[Tue Jan 15 21:28:19 2008] : DM: Sprawled face down just beyond the arch is another skeletal guard it's right arm outstretched
[Tue Jan 15 21:28:59 2008] : Dan: "it's difficult to know which of these are dead and which undead"
[Tue Jan 15 21:29:00 2008] : Aliatra: "And another one bites the dust"
[Tue Jan 15 21:29:21 2008] : DM: A faint chill breeze springs up suddenly...
[Tue Jan 15 21:29:26 2008] : Aliatra: "I can detect undead, but only twice"
[Tue Jan 15 21:29:55 2008] : Aliatra: "Air? Fresh air? Perhaps there's an exit ahead"
[Tue Jan 15 21:29:58 2008] : Oona: ooc how big is the open space?
[Tue Jan 15 21:30:18 2008] : DM: A faint, silently luminous figure in split armour staggers down the corridor from the guard rooms towards the archway.
[Tue Jan 15 21:30:57 2008] : Adrin: ooc behind us?
[Tue Jan 15 21:31:10 2008] : DM: ooc yes
[Tue Jan 15 21:31:30 2008] : Dan: "Hmm, maybe I spoke too soon... again"
[Tue Jan 15 21:31:43 2008] : Dan: "Looks like he may be asking for his money back"
[Tue Jan 15 21:31:44 2008] : DM: it nears the archway and doubles over as though coughing violently before collapsing where the skeleton lies. It fades and is gone along with the sudden chill.
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:03 2008] : Adrin: "That was strange"
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:17 2008] : Dan: "So, violent coughing, then death"
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:30 2008] : Adrin: "poison?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:35 2008] : DM: The ghostly image lasted less than half a minute.
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:41 2008] : DM: ooc knowledge: planes
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:42 2008] : Dan: "Looks tome like this place suffered some form of terrible disease"
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:49 2008] : Dan: ooc to me
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:50 2008] : Aliatra: "Was it really here or did we say an apparition?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:32:55 2008] : Dan: Knowledge: The Planes Skill Check: [1d20+17] => [7,17] = (24)
[Tue Jan 15 21:33:03 2008] : Aliatra: Knowledge: The Planes Skill Check: [1d20+7] => [13,7] = (20)
[Tue Jan 15 21:33:20 2008] : Oona: "I like this place less and less"
[Tue Jan 15 21:34:16 2008] : DM: The unpleasant death of the guard has left strong echos on the plane of shadow. Strong enough to bleed through if only briefly into the material world.
[Tue Jan 15 21:34:24 2008] : Adrin: ooc brb
[Tue Jan 15 21:35:58 2008] : Dan: "More from the pane of shadows"
[Tue Jan 15 21:37:01 2008] : Aliatra: "Let's hope that sickness has disappeared from here"
[Tue Jan 15 21:37:08 2008] : Dan: "The death has left a mark on the shadow plane that even now leeches back to our world"
[Tue Jan 15 21:37:11 2008] : DM: The space beyond the arch is too large to see the edges or ceiling in the gloom but near by are a few small stone buildings.
[Tue Jan 15 21:38:18 2008] : Adrin: ooc back
[Tue Jan 15 21:38:56 2008] : Adrin: "Looks like they lived down here"
[Tue Jan 15 21:38:57 2008] : Oona: ooc a city of sorts?
[Tue Jan 15 21:39:00 2008] : Aliatra: "Looks ... interesting"
[Tue Jan 15 21:39:05 2008] : Oona: "It does, doesn't it?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:39:45 2008] : Adrin: "Which way first? Left or right?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:39:49 2008] : Dan: "They didn't look like dwarves"
[Tue Jan 15 21:39:51 2008] : DM: From what little you see the could be the beginning of a large underground town. Or it could be just a small cluster of buildings.
[Tue Jan 15 21:41:09 2008] : Oona: "how about straight ahead?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:41:26 2008] : Aliatra: "How a bout circling this chamber, stgarting at the right?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:42:18 2008] : Adrin: "Dan?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:42:34 2008] : Dan: "I know little of the underground"
[Tue Jan 15 21:43:23 2008] : Oona: Oona looks at her companions and jsut starts ahead
[Tue Jan 15 21:43:30 2008] : Dan: "Except for common dungeons of course. But ancient settlements I know little of"
[Tue Jan 15 21:43:33 2008] : Oona: "We can't be debating for hours where we go. Let us just go"
[Tue Jan 15 21:43:48 2008] : Adrin: Adrin shrugs and follows Oona
[Tue Jan 15 21:43:55 2008] : Oona: I am looking at the buildings, can one get in them?
[Tue Jan 15 21:44:03 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra follows Oona
[Tue Jan 15 21:44:21 2008] : Aliatra: "Don't walk there without light, Oona, wait for me"
[Tue Jan 15 21:44:28 2008] : DM: Spaced at regular intervals along the roads and passageways between the buildings are tall metal posts with brackets supporting crystals.
[Tue Jan 15 21:45:48 2008] : Adrin: "What do you think those crystals are?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:45:52 2008] : DM: ooc the city is way to big for the map so don't bother moving your minis around.
[Tue Jan 15 21:46:11 2008] : DM: ooc Knowledge: arcana
[Tue Jan 15 21:46:18 2008] : Oona: ooc ok, can you assume that I go to every door and try them for traps (this is gonna take for ever..) :-)
[Tue Jan 15 21:46:19 2008] : Aliatra: ooc We won't then
[Tue Jan 15 21:46:23 2008] : Aliatra: Knowledge: Arcana Skill Check: Untrained
[Tue Jan 15 21:46:38 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [6,13] = (19)
[Tue Jan 15 21:47:09 2008] : Dan: Knowledge: Arcana Skill Check: [1d20+17] => [7,17] = (24)
[Tue Jan 15 21:47:36 2008] : DM: ooc given the sheer number of building down here and the fact that most of the building just look like ordinary house. Do you really want to spend days searching for traps?
[Tue Jan 15 21:47:59 2008] : Adrin: ooc the correct answer is no
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:03 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Methinks the DM is steering us (just a bit)
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:16 2008] : whispering to Dan, They're probably some sort of magical light source, but how they're charged you don't know.
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:22 2008] : Oona: ooc nope :)
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:36 2008] : Oona: ooc but at least I have given myself the opportunity
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:38 2008] : Oona: ooc :P
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:43 2008] : Adrin: "Lets just keep walking til we see something interesting"
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:49 2008] : Oona: "OK"
[Tue Jan 15 21:48:58 2008] : Aliatra: "Sounds like a plan"
[Tue Jan 15 21:49:09 2008] : Dan: "Well, they look like lamp posts, but presumably they don't run on oil"
[Tue Jan 15 21:49:16 2008] : Oona: Oona appraises the houses against each other, looking for a different looking building
[Tue Jan 15 21:49:38 2008] : Adrin: ooc are we walking on a road/path?
[Tue Jan 15 21:49:43 2008] : DM: ooc yes
[Tue Jan 15 21:49:56 2008] : Dan: "They're probably magical, but who knows how they are powered, or if their power ran out centuries ago, exhausted long after the inhabitants al lperished"
[Tue Jan 15 21:51:04 2008] : Adrin: "Lets be careful where we go. We need to find our way back out at some point"
[Tue Jan 15 21:51:20 2008] : Aliatra: "If we can't activate them we'd better leave them alone"
[Tue Jan 15 21:51:26 2008] : Dan: Survival Skill Check: [1d20+1] => [7,1] = (8)
[Tue Jan 15 21:51:39 2008] : Dan: ooc 10 in a dungeon
[Tue Jan 15 21:52:17 2008] : DM: As you continue down the striaght road you enter a new distrinct of larger houses.
[Tue Jan 15 21:52:39 2008] : Adrin: Survival Skill Check: [1d20+9] => [14,9] = (23)
[Tue Jan 15 21:53:01 2008] : Adrin: "This place is huge!"
[Tue Jan 15 21:53:40 2008] : Dan: "I hope you remember the way back out, because I'm lost already"
[Tue Jan 15 21:53:50 2008] : DM: The road opens out into a large plaza, in the dark you can't see its edges clearly but large blocky shapes of substantial buildings loom out of the dark around it.
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:13 2008] : DM: Listen checks
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:16 2008] : Dan: "A central square, or a satellite one?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:18 2008] : Adrin: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:19 2008] : Dan: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+5] => [20,5] = (25)
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:25 2008] : Oona: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+9] => [17,9] = (26)
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:29 2008] : Aliatra: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+2] => [1,2] = (3)
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:31 2008] : Adrin: ooc is there any rocks/debris around?
[Tue Jan 15 21:54:47 2008] : whispering to Dan, Oona, There's a faint humming coming from the north of the plaza
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:14 2008] : Dan: "What's that humming noise?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:20 2008] : DM: Some of the building are a bit falling down, the occasional loose rock and teh road isn't very even.
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:28 2008] : Dan: Dan points North
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:32 2008] : Dan: "Coming from that way"
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:48 2008] : Dan: "Quite faint, but discernable"
[Tue Jan 15 21:55:59 2008] : Oona: "Yes, I hear it"
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:01 2008] : Adrin: Adrin marks the road using some rocks n stuff
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:33 2008] : Oona: "I have no clue what it is though"
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:36 2008] : Aliatra: "Humming?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:39 2008] : Adrin: "Can't hear a thing"
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:41 2008] : Oona: Oona listens intently
[Tue Jan 15 21:56:42 2008] : Oona: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:01 2008] : DM: 'Hmmmmmm'
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:09 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra tries to determine what Dan's talking about
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:13 2008] : Aliatra: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+2] => [5,2] = (7)
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:14 2008] : Adrin: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+11] => [2,11] = (13)
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:27 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra shrugs
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:42 2008] : Aliatra: "Are you sure, Dan?"
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:48 2008] : Adrin: "Lets go see if we can find it"
[Tue Jan 15 21:57:53 2008] : Dan: "Yes, Oona hears it too"
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:07 2008] : Dan: "Let's go and see what it is"
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:07 2008] : Oona: "I do"
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:12 2008] : Oona: "Let's go check it out"
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:42 2008] : Aliatra: ooc How does Dan know Oona hears it? Metagaming? ;-)
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:54 2008] : Adrin: ooc she said so
[Tue Jan 15 21:59:55 2008] : Aliatra: "Sure, lead the way"
[Tue Jan 15 22:00:14 2008] : Dan: ooc look up about 10 lines :P
[Tue Jan 15 22:00:19 2008] : Adrin: ooc [09:56:05] => 09:56:05 (5) Oona: "Yes, I hear it"
[Tue Jan 15 22:00:28 2008] : DM: As you head north towards the humming you see a large squat, square building ahead. It's windowless and featureless except for a door in the centre.
[Tue Jan 15 22:00:28 2008] : Aliatra: ooc She said it after Dan said she could hear it as well
[Tue Jan 15 22:00:48 2008] : DM: A faint llight shines under the door.
[Tue Jan 15 22:01:00 2008] : Aliatra: "Light? Here?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:01:01 2008] : Dan: ooc nope
[Tue Jan 15 22:01:05 2008] : DM: You can all hear the humming now. It seems to be coming from the building.
[Tue Jan 15 22:02:13 2008] : Adrin: "Lets see whats inside, eh?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:02:46 2008] : Adrin: Adrin approaches the door
[Tue Jan 15 22:02:55 2008] : Aliatra: ooc I never saw that remark from Oona, not even when reading up :-(
[Tue Jan 15 22:02:57 2008] : Dan: "Sure, no reason to hang about"
[Tue Jan 15 22:03:14 2008] : Adrin: Adrin tries the door
[Tue Jan 15 22:03:21 2008] : Aliatra: "Let Oona check the door first"
[Tue Jan 15 22:03:38 2008] : DM: *BZZZAPPP*
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:05 2008] : Oona: "This is strange"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:06 2008] : DM: Adrin is flumg backwards by a sudden electrical shock.
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:11 2008] : DM: Take [2d6] => [1,5] = (6) damage
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:19 2008] : Oona: "Bzaaap?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:26 2008] : Dan: "Are you OK Adrin?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:26 2008] : Adrin: "Argh, that stung"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:36 2008] : Oona: " Well I guess I can't really take a look at it"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:41 2008] : Adrin: "Yeah I'll be fine"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:42 2008] : Oona: ooc did Adrin actually touch the door?
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:44 2008] : Aliatra: "I told you to let Oona check it!"
[Tue Jan 15 22:04:58 2008] : DM: The door is made of wooden and is heavily bound in metal.
[Tue Jan 15 22:05:42 2008] : Oona: ooc did Adrin actually touch the door?
[Tue Jan 15 22:05:55 2008] : Adrin: ooc yeah, tried to open it
[Tue Jan 15 22:05:58 2008] : DM: ooc that's what he said.
[Tue Jan 15 22:06:41 2008] : Oona: Adrin, what kind of a shock was that?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:06:55 2008] : Oona: Oona advances carefully towards the door
[Tue Jan 15 22:07:26 2008] : Oona: and without touching it, begins to study it. Passing her fingers on the wooden parts, carefully avoiding the metal parts
[Tue Jan 15 22:07:28 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [9,13] = (22)
[Tue Jan 15 22:07:39 2008] : Adrin: "Well nothing actually hit me, it just hurt"
[Tue Jan 15 22:08:12 2008] : whispering to Oona, The door appears ordinary with no signs of any traps, mundane or magical.
[Tue Jan 15 22:08:35 2008] : Oona: "I can't find anything"
[Tue Jan 15 22:08:48 2008] : Oona: ooc is the handle metal or wood?
[Tue Jan 15 22:08:54 2008] : DM: ooc metal
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:12 2008] : Oona: "ok, we need some kind of an (isolant) here"
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:23 2008] : DM: ooc insulation
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:25 2008] : Oona: ooc how the helck do you say isolant in English :D
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:29 2008] : Oona: ooc thx
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:40 2008] : Aliatra: "Like what?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:09:50 2008] : Oona: "Whatever the mechanism behind this door, the shcok probably comes from the metal"
[Tue Jan 15 22:10:05 2008] : Aliatra: "So what do we need, exactly?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:10:10 2008] : Oona: "If we want to open this door, we need something that is not going to carry the shock"
[Tue Jan 15 22:10:18 2008] : Dan: "Electricity has an affinity for metasl, but not items such as dry leather"
[Tue Jan 15 22:10:34 2008] : Oona: "wood, or yes, leather would be a good thing"
[Tue Jan 15 22:11:18 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra hands Oona a cloth sack
[Tue Jan 15 22:11:27 2008] : Aliatra: "Willl this do?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:11:35 2008] : Dan: ooc someone in full plate could happily open the door, but I'm not sure D&D believes in Faraday cages
[Tue Jan 15 22:11:44 2008] : Adrin: ooc lol
[Tue Jan 15 22:11:49 2008] : DM: ooc this DM does though.
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:02 2008] : Dan: "Ali, I have a suggestion"
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:10 2008] : DM: ooc however, I don't think the palms are metal so it won't work.
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:19 2008] : Oona: "Hmm, cloth won't do the trick"
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:29 2008] : Aliatra: "What, Dan?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:33 2008] : Oona: "Or rather, I'd avoid taking the risk"
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:37 2008] : Dan: ooc no, but the wearer is still protected
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:40 2008] : Aliatra: ooc It will, though
[Tue Jan 15 22:12:57 2008] : Dan: "You recall that I said that electricity has an affinity for metal"
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:15 2008] : DM: ooc I require experimental proof, Craig.
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:24 2008] : Dan: "I believ someone encased in metal may be unharmed"
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:27 2008] : Dan: ooc LOL
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:34 2008] : DM: ooc Please don you suit of armour and I'll provide the 50,000 volts.
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:45 2008] : Oona: Oona looks at Dan funny
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:47 2008] : Oona: ooc roflmao
[Tue Jan 15 22:13:57 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Don't you dare, David!
[Tue Jan 15 22:14:06 2008] : Adrin: ooc does he need to stand in a bucket of water too?
[Tue Jan 15 22:14:09 2008] : Dan: ooc The metal extends down the fingers, even if not on the underside, the armour will be in contact with the handle
[Tue Jan 15 22:14:19 2008] : Aliatra: "Are you saying what I think you're saying? You want me to try?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:14:30 2008] : Dan: "It's only an idea"
[Tue Jan 15 22:14:56 2008] : Aliatra: "Well, Adrin did not get hurt much ..."
[Tue Jan 15 22:15:05 2008] : Dan: "The metal guides the shock away from your body"
[Tue Jan 15 22:15:16 2008] : Aliatra: "Sure, if you think I'll be alright"
[Tue Jan 15 22:15:30 2008] : Dan: "I'm not certain"
[Tue Jan 15 22:15:45 2008] : Aliatra: "Now he tells me"
[Tue Jan 15 22:15:46 2008] : Adrin: "Whats the worst that can happen?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:05 2008] : Oona: "You fry?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:05 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra approaches the door and touches the handle
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:07 2008] : Dan: "Her fingers lock on the door ans she continues being shocked"
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:11 2008] : Aliatra: "I die?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:28 2008] : DM: There's a spark by Ali doesn't feel a shock.
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:34 2008] : DM: There's a spark but Ali doesn't feel a shock.
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:37 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Touching, not curling my hand around it (yet) :-P
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:44 2008] : Dan: "Are you OK?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:16:53 2008] : Aliatra: "That's rather funny"
[Tue Jan 15 22:17:01 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra giggles
[Tue Jan 15 22:17:12 2008] : Aliatra: "Let me try opening it now"
[Tue Jan 15 22:17:36 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra curls her hand around the handle and tries to open the door
[Tue Jan 15 22:18:10 2008] : DM: The door opens revealing a large room beyond.
[Tue Jan 15 22:18:37 2008] : Dan: ooc the reason why I said D&D didn't believe in Faraday cages is that this also applies to all electric attacks, and it doesn't mention full plate protecting you in the rules
[Tue Jan 15 22:18:39 2008] : DM: The room is two stories high and in the centre is an enourmous glowing crystal.
[Tue Jan 15 22:18:55 2008] : Dan: "Ooh, a working one!"
[Tue Jan 15 22:18:59 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra releases the door and steps forward, sword in hands
[Tue Jan 15 22:19:02 2008] : Adrin: "Wow!"
[Tue Jan 15 22:19:16 2008] : Aliatra: "This is amazing"
[Tue Jan 15 22:19:17 2008] : DM: The crystal is lying on its side and is a good 15 ft high and 30 or 40 ft long.
[Tue Jan 15 22:19:22 2008] : Dan: Dan waits for Ali to move eager to examine the crystal
[Tue Jan 15 22:19:38 2008] : DM: It's covered in a fine tracery of slivery threads.
[Tue Jan 15 22:20:13 2008] : DM: The crystal is suspended from the celing on big cables or ropes
[Tue Jan 15 22:20:21 2008] : Oona: Oona stays completely amazed, and says nothing
[Tue Jan 15 22:20:44 2008] : DM: Lying under the crystal and snaking off into a corner a fat tube or cable.
[Tue Jan 15 22:21:02 2008] : DM: ...is a fat tube...
[Tue Jan 15 22:21:04 2008] : Dan: "Hmm, what's that rope?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:21:31 2008] : DM: This cable is nearly half a foot thick (15 cm).
[Tue Jan 15 22:21:34 2008] : Aliatra: "Whatever it is, I don't want to touch it before we're sure about it"
[Tue Jan 15 22:21:45 2008] : Dan: "Nor me"
[Tue Jan 15 22:22:23 2008] : Adrin: "I'm touching nothing"
[Tue Jan 15 22:22:54 2008] : Aliatra: "What are we doing here anyway? What's here for us?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:23:10 2008] : Dan: "A working crystal"
[Tue Jan 15 22:23:12 2008] : Aliatra: "I think this is for the wizards, let's tell them"
[Tue Jan 15 22:23:20 2008] : Dan: "maybe we can get the lights working?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:23:29 2008] : Adrin: "That would be good"
[Tue Jan 15 22:23:39 2008] : Aliatra: "How de you propose we do that?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:24:28 2008] : Dan: "Well, not by walking away"
[Tue Jan 15 22:24:32 2008] : Adrin: Adrin shrugs
[Tue Jan 15 22:24:40 2008] : Dan: "Let's have a closer look inside"
[Tue Jan 15 22:24:43 2008] : Aliatra: "I am not5 touching anything here"
[Tue Jan 15 22:24:57 2008] : Oona: "Chat échaudé..."
[Tue Jan 15 22:25:11 2008] : Oona: "Lights would be good, indeed"
[Tue Jan 15 22:25:33 2008] : Oona: Oona looks at the tube/cable and tries to make something out of it
[Tue Jan 15 22:25:47 2008] : Oona: Search (+5 with goggles of minute seeing) Skill Check: [1d20+13] => [13,13] = (26)
[Tue Jan 15 22:25:50 2008] : Oona: Int check: [1d20+3] => [20,3] = (23)
[Tue Jan 15 22:25:51 2008] : DM: You can't really tell anything more from the doorway
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:03 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Warmed cat?
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:17 2008] : Dan: Dan moves into the room, staying away from metal objects
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:27 2008] : Dan: ooc I came up with heated
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:30 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra is still inside, staring at the crystal, not touching anything
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:46 2008] : Oona: ooc sorry
[Tue Jan 15 22:26:53 2008] : Oona: I came in and got closer then.
[Tue Jan 15 22:27:21 2008] : Oona: ooc the spaying goes: chat échaudé craint l'eau froide, which means, a cat that burned itself fears cold water.
[Tue Jan 15 22:27:31 2008] : Oona: *saying
[Tue Jan 15 22:27:43 2008] : DM: The charge in the room makes your hair stand on end.
[Tue Jan 15 22:27:58 2008] : Dan: ooc Why cold water?? Sayings are odd sometimes
[Tue Jan 15 22:28:12 2008] : DM: ooc cold water looks the same as hot water
[Tue Jan 15 22:28:37 2008] : Aliatra: ooc We have the expression "koudwatervrees", which means "fear of cold water", which means the same thing
[Tue Jan 15 22:28:40 2008] : DM: ooc better translated as a "Scalded cat fears cold water"
[Tue Jan 15 22:28:47 2008] : DM: ooc ?
[Tue Jan 15 22:28:59 2008] : Dan: ooc Ah, OK
[Tue Jan 15 22:29:01 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Nice translation, David
[Tue Jan 15 22:29:05 2008] : Oona: ooc hair stand on end, but I can walk tot he tube?
[Tue Jan 15 22:29:34 2008] : Oona: ooc in the French, it is underlying that the burnt came from hot water.
[Tue Jan 15 22:29:38 2008] : DM: The cable on the floor is clearly designed to fit into a socket on the underside of the crystal.
[Tue Jan 15 22:30:43 2008] : Oona: "I think I get the mechanism"
[Tue Jan 15 22:30:48 2008] : Oona: "or the power"
[Tue Jan 15 22:30:56 2008] : Oona: "maybe we could try?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:31:04 2008] : Dan: "But is it safe for you to touch it?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:31:25 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Our saying is much shorter :-P
[Tue Jan 15 22:31:36 2008] : Dan: "Ali, care to risk yourself again?
[Tue Jan 15 22:31:50 2008] : Aliatra: "I guess"
[Tue Jan 15 22:32:01 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra sounds a bit reluctant this time
[Tue Jan 15 22:32:10 2008] : Aliatra: "What do I need to do"
[Tue Jan 15 22:32:13 2008] : Dan: "You don't have to"
[Tue Jan 15 22:32:21 2008] : Dan: "Don't feel pressured"
[Tue Jan 15 22:32:50 2008] : Dan: "If I had a protection from energy spell memorised I would attempt it myself"
[Tue Jan 15 22:33:10 2008] : Adrin: "Give it a kick first"
[Tue Jan 15 22:33:23 2008] : Aliatra: "Just tell me what to do before I lose heart"
[Tue Jan 15 22:33:31 2008] : Aliatra: "Good idea, Adrin"
[Tue Jan 15 22:33:57 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra kicks the cable at the plug end
[Tue Jan 15 22:34:15 2008] : DM: It's a heftlycable and moves only a little when you kick it.
[Tue Jan 15 22:34:58 2008] : Adrin: "Hold on. I'll tie my rope to you and if anything goes wrong I can pull you away"
[Tue Jan 15 22:35:44 2008] : Aliatra: "One good idea after another, there's no stopping youi today"
[Tue Jan 15 22:36:11 2008] : Adrin: Adrin ties his rope around Alis waist
[Tue Jan 15 22:36:48 2008] : Aliatra: "All ready? I connect the cable to there, right?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:36:52 2008] : Adrin: "ok, ready?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:36:54 2008] : Oona: "Oona gets closer and helps morally
[Tue Jan 15 22:36:58 2008] : Oona: "Yes"
[Tue Jan 15 22:37:20 2008] : Oona: Oona points at the different parts. "It goes here."
[Tue Jan 15 22:37:34 2008] : Dan: Dan holds the rope with Adrin
[Tue Jan 15 22:37:52 2008] : Aliatra: "Stand way back, Oona, in fact all go outside and help Adrin pull if necessary"
[Tue Jan 15 22:38:40 2008] : Aliatra: Aliatra goes over to the cable and drags the end to the socket
[Tue Jan 15 22:39:05 2008] : ** That's the Tab key, Dave
[Tue Jan 15 22:39:10 2008] : Aliatra: She then inserts the plug and stands back
[Tue Jan 15 22:39:36 2008] : DM: Whilst you can lift the heavy cable high enough it's too far away and too heavy to drag closer.
[Tue Jan 15 22:39:54 2008] : Oona: ooc can we help her?
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:01 2008] : DM: ooc you can try
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:02 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Awww, not fair! :-P
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:10 2008] : Oona: "Let me help"
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:19 2008] : Dan: "I will help too"
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:24 2008] : Aliatra: "This is too heavy for me alone, I can't reach that socket"
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:32 2008] : Dan: "It was my idea"
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:33 2008] : Oona: Oona advances and helps drag the cable
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:42 2008] : Dan: ooc is the cable all metal?
[Tue Jan 15 22:40:56 2008] : Dan: Dan grabs hold and helps out
[Tue Jan 15 22:41:23 2008] : DM: Even with several people pulling the cable cannot be dragged the friction between the rough stone floor and the material of the cable is too great.
[Tue Jan 15 22:41:51 2008] : DM: The cable is wrapped in several layers of fabric soaked with the black squidgy material.
[Tue Jan 15 22:41:55 2008] : Aliatra: "There is too much of a drag, would that the floor was smoother"
[Tue Jan 15 22:42:22 2008] : Aliatra: ooc What black squidgy material?
[Tue Jan 15 22:42:27 2008] : Dan: "I can help with that"
[Tue Jan 15 22:42:45 2008] : Oona: ooc yeah, what black material?
[Tue Jan 15 22:42:58 2008] : Dan: Dan looks for the area that looks most stuck, then...
[Tue Jan 15 22:43:02 2008] : DM: ooc rubber
[Tue Jan 15 22:43:14 2008] : Dan: Aryadan Casts: Grease (level 1): Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery (DC 17 reflex save; duration - 1 round/level)
[Tue Jan 15 22:43:15 2008] : DM: ooc your characters aren't familar with rubber though.
[Tue Jan 15 22:43:36 2008] : DM: ooc Ooo. Clever.
[Tue Jan 15 22:43:48 2008] : Dan: "Try now, the grease will last for about a minute"
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:16 2008] : Aliatra: "Right, all together now: pull!"
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:22 2008] : DM: How many people are going to be pulling it? Everyone?
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:30 2008] : Dan: Dan helps, avoiding the greasy bit
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:34 2008] : Adrin: Adrin joins in
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:36 2008] : Oona: I am. same as Dan
[Tue Jan 15 22:44:40 2008] : Aliatra: ooc Aliatra works at it
[Tue Jan 15 22:45:22 2008] : DM: With everyone pulling and the grease helping it slide the plug is slotted into place and pushed home....
[Tue Jan 15 22:45:30 2008] : DM: *BANG!*
[Tue Jan 15 22:45:50 2008] : Dan: ooc umm...
[Tue Jan 15 22:45:52 2008] : DM: There's an incredibly bright flash of light from the socket.
[Tue Jan 15 22:45:56 2008] : DM: Reflex saves
[Tue Jan 15 22:46:02 2008] : Adrin: Reflex save: [1d20+7] => [16,7] = (23)
[Tue Jan 15 22:46:04 2008] : Dan: Reflex save: [1d20+11] => [12,11] = (23)
[Tue Jan 15 22:46:09 2008] : Oona: Reflex save: [1d20+11] => [19,11] = (30)
[Tue Jan 15 22:46:12 2008] : Aliatra: Reflex save: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
[Tue Jan 15 22:46:45 2008] : DM: Adrin, Dan, and Oona screw shut there eyes fast enough that they're only momentarily blinded by the flash of light.
[Tue Jan 15 22:47:31 2008] : DM: Aliatra however is partially blinded, the world you see reduced to blurry, dim shapes.
[Tue Jan 15 22:47:45 2008] : Oona: "Wow"
[Tue Jan 15 22:47:54 2008] : Dan: ooc OMG, we blinded Ali!
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:20 2008] : Dan: ooc Anything else happened after the bang?
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:21 2008] : Aliatra: ooc The bastards!
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:24 2008] : Adrin: "That was bright"
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:38 2008] : Aliatra: "I can't see"
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:45 2008] : Dan: "Just closed my eyes in time!"
[Tue Jan 15 22:48:59 2008] : Adrin: "What do you mean, can't see?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:49:06 2008] : Dan: "What? You've been blinded?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:49:25 2008] : Oona: ""Well so have I, but it lasted a second or two"
[Tue Jan 15 22:49:29 2008] : DM: The room seems as before, the crystal still hums.
[Tue Jan 15 22:49:56 2008] : Adrin: Adrin has a look outside
[Tue Jan 15 22:49:58 2008] : Aliatra: "There are just coulouirs, blurs, not images"
[Tue Jan 15 22:50:16 2008] : Dan: "I'm sorry Ali, I pushed you to do this"
[Tue Jan 15 22:50:48 2008] : DM: The city is illuminated with the glow of thousands of crystal lights.
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:11 2008] : Oona: "Hmm, maybe you should rest and see if your sight comes back?
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:12 2008] : Adrin: "Ali, if its any consolation, it worked"
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:20 2008] : Oona: "However, yes, it worked"
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:28 2008] : Oona: "Oona goes outside to see the city"
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:34 2008] : Oona: "Oona goes outside to see the city"
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:37 2008] : DM: ooc 300 XP for restoring the lighting.
[Tue Jan 15 22:51:38 2008] : Oona: "This is incredible"
[Tue Jan 15 22:52:02 2008] : Oona: o crah, 500 xp to go :-)
[Tue Jan 15 22:52:05 2008] : Adrin: "Do you know any spells that could help?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:52:18 2008] : Dan: Dan waits to see what Ali has to say
[Tue Jan 15 22:52:33 2008] : DM: Looking around the plaza you see two more large building on the east and south sides.
[Tue Jan 15 22:52:59 2008] : Aliatra: "No, I don't think so. Let's get back and see if my sight has gotten better by the time we reach camp"
[Tue Jan 15 22:53:15 2008] : DM: The eastern building has the look of a temple or palace, the southern looks more function, perhaps a civic building of some sort.
[Tue Jan 15 22:54:08 2008] : Dan: "Perhaps we should rest here?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:54:19 2008] : Adrin: "Is it safe enough?"
[Tue Jan 15 22:54:23 2008] : Dan: "We were asked to clear out undead"
[Tue Jan 15 22:55:00 2008] : Dan: "We can shut the door and block it up"
[Tue Jan 15 22:55:17 2008] : Adrin: "Ok"
[Tue Jan 15 22:56:11 2008] : Dan: "If that's OK with Ali"
[Tue Jan 15 22:56:50 2008] : Aliatra: "Sure, I guess, just remember I can't help fight right now"
[Tue Jan 15 22:56:52 2008] : Dan: "I just would rather not risk meeting enemies on the way back to camp if you can't see Ali, it's too dangerous for you"
[Tue Jan 15 22:56:53 2008] : Oona: ooc cna we call it quits? I am knackered.
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:02 2008] : Oona: "I agree with Dan"
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:13 2008] : Dan: "That's why I say stay here for now Ali"
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:22 2008] : DM: GAME END
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:31 2008] : Oona: "We should just rest here and see if you get better. I'll take some time to go around a bit and see what's in store for us"
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:33 2008] : Oona: ooc :-)
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:37 2008] : Oona: merci :-)
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:37 2008] : Dan: Cool, nice game Dave
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:44 2008] : Oona: yep, great !
[Tue Jan 15 22:57:59 2008] : Aliatra: I liked it!
[Tue Jan 15 22:58:22 2008] : Adrin: very very cool
[Tue Jan 15 22:58:38 2008] : Adrin: wasn't expecting anything like the city
[Tue Jan 15 22:58:45 2008] : Dan: Nor me!
[Tue Jan 15 22:59:16 2008] : DM: I was thinking about the undercity in Baldur's gate.
[Tue Jan 15 22:59:21 2008] : Adrin: oddly enough I'm currently listening to a song called 'The Light' :)
[Tue Jan 15 23:00:09 2008] : Aliatra: Oddly enough I'm not
[Tue Jan 15 23:00:19 2008] : Adrin: and the chorus consists of 'and the light just made me blind'
[Tue Jan 15 23:00:31 2008] : DM: Heh
[Tue Jan 15 23:00:32 2008] : Adrin: very strange
[Tue Jan 15 23:00:58 2008] : Dan: Right, better go. See you all next week
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:11 2008] : Adrin: g'night twin
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:17 2008] : Dan: Night
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:26 2008] : Aliatra: Goodnight and sweet dreams, Craig
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:33 2008] : Adrin: <= bedtime. g'night all>
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:39 2008] : Adrin: bedtime. g'night all
[Tue Jan 15 23:01:53 2008] : ** Aliatra hugs and kisses Bert and Craig goodnight **
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:00 2008] : Aliatra: Bye, dears
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:09 2008] : Adrin: Disconnecting from server...
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:09 2008] : Adrin (exit): 23:02
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:18 2008] : Dan: Disconnecting from server...
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:18 2008] : Dan (exit): 23:02
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:33 2008] : Aliatra: I'm off too, goodnight and sweet dreams you tow
[Tue Jan 15 23:02:49 2008] : ** Aliatra hugs and kisses David and Delphine goodnight **
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:01 2008] : Aliatra: Bye dears :-) See you next week
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:40 2008] : Oona: night :)
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:44 2008] : Oona: Disconnecting from server...
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:45 2008] : Oona (exit): 23:03
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:52 2008] : Aliatra: Going, going, gone
[Tue Jan 15 23:03:53 2008] : Aliatra (exit): 23:03
[Tue Jan 15 23:08:29 2008] : Disconnecting from server...
[Tue Jan 15 23:08:31 2008] : Game disconnected!
[Tue Jan 15 23:08:33 2008] : Disconnecting from server...
[Tue Jan 15 23:08:34 2008] : Game disconnected!